Microscope is a piece of instrument or equipment used by microbiologists to examine microorganisms and objects which are too small to be seen by the naked eye. They are also used by biologists and other scientists because microscope allows investigators to observe objects that are invisible to the naked eye.
When materials are examined under the microscope (Figure 1); the objects being observed are magnified in such a way that they produce an image that can be seen by the eyes of the observer. There are several types of microscopes available for examining the microbial and/or unseen world of microorganisms. Examples of microscopes include light microscope and electron microscope amongst others.
- Read the owner’s manual carefully before operating the microscope.
- Carry the microscope with care (as a delicate object) to avoid dropping it.
- Unplug the microscope from the power source when not in use.
- Clean the microscope with clean dry towel after use, and return it to its box.

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