
Chika Ejikeugwu (PhD, 2017, UNIZIK, Nigeria) is a Fellow of the Alexander von Humboldt (AvH) Stiftung in Germany. Dr. Chika Ejikeugwu is currently a Research Fellow at the Helmholtz-Zentrum für Umweltforschung GmbH-UFZ, Leipzig, Germany, where he is working on "the soilRESIST project to investigate the effects of antibiotic mixtures on soil microbiomes." He founded Africa's Number 1 Microbiology website, www.MicrobiologyClass.net. Dr. Chika Ejikeugwu was a DAAD postdoctoral fellow at Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung (BAM), Berlin, Germany (2021) and a MIF Postdoctoral Fellow at Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan (2018). In 2021, he was awarded the Young Investigator Award on Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) by Institute Mérieux in France. Dr. Chika Ejikeugwu is a member of the Global Young Academy in Germany, and a member of other professional (microbiology) societies including Applied Microbiology International (AMI), European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (ESCMID), Nigerian Society for Microbiology (NSM) and American Society for Microbiology (ASM). He holds a doctorate degree in Pharmaceutical Microbiology and Biotechnology. Dr. Chika Ejikeugwu is a Senior Lecturer & Researcher at Enugu State University of Science & Technology (ESUT), Nigeria where he mentors undergraduate and postgraduate students on microbiology & other aspects of life. He has a flair for teaching, research and community service.

Clinical and pharmacological significance of synergism, antagonism and additive effects of drugs or pharmacological compounds

The terms synergistic effect (synergism), antagonistic effect (antagonism) and additive effect are all clinical and pharmacological phrases that have clinical applications in drug administration in real life. They are also applied in research particularly in novel drug discovery, drug testing and therapeutic drug applications. Chemical reactions in chemistry happen when two compounds or more react […]

Clinical and pharmacological significance of synergism, antagonism and additive effects of drugs or pharmacological compounds Read More »

Antimicrobial Agents & Antibiotics, Pharmaceutical Microbiology, , , , , , ,


Primers are short stretches of DNA that target unique sequences of a DNA molecule and help identify a unique part of a genome or a gene to be copied further. They are usually 18 to 25 nucleotides long. Primers can be synthesized and used for your PCR (polymerase chain reaction) and other molecular biology experiment


Biotechnology, Microbe Lab, Molecular Microbiology, Techniques in Microbiology Lab, , , , , , , ,

Epidemiology, control, prevention, and public health concern of biowarfare

Chemical agents and biological agents are very exceptional from other conventional warfare tools including nuclear/atomic weapons in that they are usually invisible and they produce delayed effects in victims of biologic and chemical attack. The usage of these weapons of mass destruction in formal warfare is unlikely especially now that the world is seriously yearning

Epidemiology, control, prevention, and public health concern of biowarfare Read More »

Bioterrorism, , , , ,

Mode of delivery/transmission of biological and chemical agents

Biological agents used for bioterrorism can be delivered or trasmissted in human or animal population through the air, water, food, vector, person-to-person contact Through air Dissemination of biological or chemical agents as aerosols in the atmosphere is perhaps the best and most feared method of bioterrorism. This is the most veritable route of disseminating biological

Mode of delivery/transmission of biological and chemical agents Read More »

Bioterrorism, , ,

Other categories of hazardous chemicals used as agents of mass destruction

Other categories of hazardous chemicals used as agents of chemical warfare according to the Center for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC) are as follows: References Aschengrau A and Seage G.R (2013). Essentials of Epidemiology in Public Health. Third edition. Jones and Bartleh Learning, Aschengrau, A., & G. R. Seage III. (2009). Essentials of Epidemiology in

Other categories of hazardous chemicals used as agents of mass destruction Read More »

Bioterrorism, , ,

Category B Biological Agents

Category “B” Biological Agentsare the second highest priority biological agents that have lesser public alertness than agents in Category “A”. They are moderately easy to disseminate. Biological agents of concern for water and food safety are included in Category “B”. Agents in Category “B” cause less morbidity and mortality, and they are mostly implicated in

Category B Biological Agents Read More »


Access to scholarship and funding opportunities for conferences, study (B.Sc., M.Sc., Ph.D.), postdoctoral fellowships and research grants

As an academic, researcher or student, attending conferences or doing research can be a herculean task if you don’t have access to sustainable funding for your research or further studies. In my experience of about 10 years in Academia, teaching and doing research in the specific priority area of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) in Nigeria and

Access to scholarship and funding opportunities for conferences, study (B.Sc., M.Sc., Ph.D.), postdoctoral fellowships and research grants Read More »

Research & Proposal Tips & Scholarships links,

Category A Biological Agents

  Category “A” Biological Agents are high-priority agents which pose the greatest security and health threat in a population. They are the primary most dangerous biological agents with the highest research preference due to their ease of dissemination, high morbidity, and high mortality. Agents in this category have the potential to cause mass public fear

Category A Biological Agents Read More »

Bioterrorism, ,


Agents of bioterrorism are usually found in the hands of terrorists, scientists, and most of all some rogue nations. In the hands of the extremists, biological and chemical agents used for terrorism are unsafe and can be used with or without provocation to cause threat, economic panic, sickness, and death in a target human population.


Bioterrorism, ,