Bunsen burner is practically a tube or hosepipe that is connected directly to a steady supply of flammable gas contained in a gas cylinder. It is primarily used to achieve aseptic technique in the microbiology laboratory. Usually, a blue flame from the Bunsen burner is used to sterilize the mouth of glass wares, needles, inoculating loop and other heat-stable instruments by passing the material to be heat-sterilized through the flame.
- Do not leave the Bunsen burner on when not in use because open flame is a safety hazard.
- Turn off the burner when it is not in use.
- Inflammable materials should not be passed through the flame.
- Adjust the air vents at the bottom of the Bunsen burner in order to obtain a bright blue cone of flame (Figure 1) for sterilization.
- Always ensure that your laboratory coat or gown is not loose but body-tight before using the Bunsen burner flame. Loose laboratory gowns can easily catch fire when they come in contact with the flame from the burner. Â

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