Slide rack is a piece of vessel used for packing and storing clean glass slides after they have been used for staining. After staining, it is important to wash the glass slides with soap/detergents under running water. The washed glass slides are carefully inserted into the slide rack (Figure 1) where the excess water on the slides is allowed to drain off. Slide racks should be kept clean and away from dusty areas. The slide rack provides an appropriate medium where glass slides are held in horizontal positions until usage. They should be kept in flat surfaces or cupboards in order to prevent the breakage of the slides they are carrying.

Staining rack is a piece of apparatus that holds several glass slides. It allows glass slides on which microbial smear is made to be stained all at once, and allowed to dry. Staining rack allows microbiology to make several slides of microorganisms (inclusive of wet preparation and smears) more efficiently and in less time; and it provides a horizontal platform for keeping slides prior to staining techniques (Figure 2).

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