WATER BATH – use, care and maintenance


Water bath is a piece of equipment used to maintain culture media at thermostatically-controlled temperatures. They are generally used to keep water at a constant temperature for incubating samples and other reagents in the microbiology laboratory.

Culture media or reagents to be maintained at a particular temperature prior to their usage for further microbiological investigations are normally placed in a vessel that is suspended in the water contained in the water bath (Figure 1).

Water bath is also used for incubation the same way that the incubator operates, but the former utilizes water maintained at a particular ambient temperature level to achieve incubation. The main components of the water bath include the thermostat, water tank, heater, cooling coil and the cover or lid.     

Figure 1. Water bath for maintaining laboratory reagents at certain temperatures.


  • Read the owner’s manual carefully before operating the water bath.
  • Culture media and reagents should not be left too long in the water bath to avoid overheating.
  • Always check the water bath before use to ensure that the tank is properly filled with distilled water, and that the temperature level is properly regulated.
  • Switch off the water bath from its power source after use. 


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