
MYCOSES – fungal infections

Mycoses are infections caused by pathogenic fungi. And they include superficial mycoses, cutaneous mycoses, subcutaneous mycoses, systemic or deep-seated mycosis and opportunistic mycoses depending on the affected tissue or parts of the body. However, other forms of fungal infections which are not directly caused by pathogenic fungi but their toxic products and the untoward reactions […]

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Mycology, ,

Introduction to Mycology

What is mycology? Mycology is simply defined as the study of fungi. Fungi (singular: fungus) are eukaryotic and heterotrophic microorganisms that do not contain chlorophyll but obtains its nutrient through the absorption of food and/or nutrients in its environment. The study of fungi actually began in the early 1830’s following the serendipitous discovery of fungi

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Medical Microbiology, Mycology, , , , , , , , ,