Advantages & disadvantages of cell culture techniques


  • Cell culture is economical since it is carried out in vitro (i.e. in culture flasks or dishes). It requires small portions of reagents and media unlike in vivo techniques that require a whole organism.
  • Homogenous cells are produced since the growth environment can be controlled in vitro.
  • The physiology and biochemistry of cells can be studied and manipulated in vitro.
  • In cell culture techniques there are no ethical, moral or legal issues as is the case in experimentation that involves the use of a whole animal.
  • Cells in a culture flask/dish can be exposed to chemicals or drugs directly.


  • Cell culture techniques are usually capital intensive. They should be undertaken only when necessary.
  • Cells in cell culture flasks are denied of some in vivo materials such as hormones and other supporting structures that the isolated cell interact with in vivo.
  • Success in cell culture techniques requires expertise to know the behaviour of cells in culture. The aseptic techniques involved usually takes some time to learn.
  • The artificial condition in vitro may cause the cells to produce different substances (e.g. proteins) from the ones they produce in vivo.
  • It is almost impossible to reproduce an in vivo process in an in vitro technique like cell culture.


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